Y pêldroediwr, Ched Evans
Mae’r Twrnai Cyffredinol wedi awgrymu y gallai’r gyfraith gael ei diwygio er mwyn diogelu dioddefwyr trais rywiol – a hyn i gyd o ganlyniad i achos y pêl-droediwr o Gymru, Ched Evans.

Fe gafwyd Ched Evans yn ddieuog o dreisio merch 19 oed, mewn ail achos wedi brwydr bum mlynedd i glirio’i enw.

Mewn symudiad anghyffredin, fe gafodd y rheithgor yn Llys y Goron Caerdydd glywed tystiolaeth gan ddau ddyn a oedd wedi cael rhyw â’r ferch o gwmpas yr un pryd ag yr oedd hi’n honni iddi gael ei threisio.

Fe arweiniodd hynny at bryder y gallai merched deimlo nad ydyn nhw am riportio achosion o drais i’r heddlu, rhag ofn i fanylion am eu bywyd personol gael eu trafod yn gyhoeddus yn y llys.


Mae Jeremy Wright QC wedi mynegi ei bryder yntau, gan ddweud fod y mater yn achos “consyrn” a bod angen rheolau ac arweiniad clir ar y mater.

“Dw i’n meddwl bod angen i ni edrych ar nifer o bethau,” meddai mewn sesiwn holi yn San Steffan heddiw. “Mae angen i ni ddeall mwy am y penderfyniad yn yr achos arbennig hwn; mae angen i ni ddeall

“I think what we need to look at is a number of things. We need to understand more about the decision in this particular case, we need to understand whether a change in the law is appropriate, and if not whether it is sensible to look at the guidance that is given to judges about when this evidence is admissible and the guidance that judges give to juries about how that evidence should be used.

“I think we need to do all of those things before we are in a position to understand what, if any, changes are needed.”

Mr Wright said the legal provision allowing an alleged victim’s sexual history to be used in evidence is not “routinely” used.

But he added: “We must be confident that the message sent to those who may be currently worried about reporting these sorts of offences is not that they are not encouraged to do so, quite the reverse, they are, and we need to make sure that those messages are clear.”